Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Globalization and Business IT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Globalization and Business IT - Research Paper Example al., 2008). Information technology (IT) and the globalisation of business have made the global supply chain very efficient and contributed to large profits in the business. Both IT and globalisation are aspects of modernisation and growth. IT sector is one of the most booming sectors and the globalisation focuses on the overall development of a country, market, sector and industry among others. Fedex, as a company, strongly believes in globalisation and therefore manages to provide its services globally. The company operates a large range of branded companies which come under the main brand Fedex, and all these companies serve logistics services. With the incorporation of IT, FedEx has been able to leverage superior globalised service by entailing technologically upgraded features in its global operations such as wireless technology and shipping along with tracking system (Network World Fusion, 2002; Cisco Systems, 1999; Butcher & et. al., 2008). Title IT and globalisation’s c ontribution to business for improving the supply chain cycle in a global scale: An illustration of FedEx Research Question For completing the proposed research, it is required to find out the contributions that are made by IT and globalisation in business and the process through which IT and globalisation has made the overall supply chain cycle more effective and contributed to greater profits in the business of FedEx. Therefore, for the completion of the proposed research study, the main question that will be addressed upon will be: How did IT and globalisation managed to improve the overall supply chain process in a global scale which resulted in improved business and profits for FedEx? Specific Project Objectives The... This essay approves that a proper understanding of globalisation and its positive effects in the context of supply chain should be understood and found. Apart from this, it should also be analysed that whether FedEx has already achieved a sustainable amount of growth or not. Whether the company has reached the saturation level or not? If yes, then are there any future scope of development for the company or does the company has any kind of future expansion plans. It is also required to be studied about the competitor companies of FedEx who are delivering similar services like the company to its customers. This report makes a conclusion that IT and globalisation are indeed very important factors contributing to the growth of business and it has made many contributions in changing the supply chain cycle. FedEx prioritises upon the concept of supply chain in a very prospective manner. However, there are few factors that require certain amount of understanding. The aim of this proposal has been to follow a proper research methodology which includes all the basic techniques of research and analysis for obtaining certain conclusion regarding the future plans, present operations, competitors and market standing of the company. In order to complete this proposed research, a questionnaire has been prepared which will be filled by the actual respondents/employees of FedEx and informal interviews will also be conducted in the company wherein the respondents will be the interviewee. These procedures will help in successful completion of the research by providing a clear picture of the operations in the company as well as the supply chain process that is currently being followed by the company and the different supply chain processes that the company may follow in the future.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

What does subjectivity means in terms of documentary filmmaking and Research Paper

What does subjectivity means in terms of documentary filmmaking and what it has to do with digital technology - Research Paper Example The term â€Å"subjective† used to mean â€Å"as things are in themselves† whereas the term â€Å"objective† used to denote â€Å"as things are presented to consciousness†. In other words, the word â€Å"subjective† referred to the actual fact while â€Å"objective† used to refer to the way a situation or scenario were perceived. However, with the progression of time, the definitions for each term also changed as â€Å"objective† was then used to mean â€Å"fair-minded, factual, fair-minded and reliable† whereas â€Å"subjective† was then considered as something perceived and therefore unreliable as being an impression instead of facts. According to Dictionary.com, subjectivity refers to â€Å"the state or quality of being subjective; subjectiveness, a subjective thought or idea, intentness on internal thoughts and internal reality†. This paper attempts to explore subjectivity in terms of documentary filmmaking and the way subjectivity changed with the emergence of new digital technologies. Since documentary filmmaking employees the way a director wants to capture the event or story, this medium is more inclined towards subjectivity instead of objectivity. Digitalization, with the rapid increase in globalization, has become an important phenomenon in the modern world. New technologies have altered the potential of production of documentaries as well as the way artists are presented thus increasing subjectivity in the matter presented to the audience. These new technologies have impacted powerfully on the artistic process in the filmmaking and possibly more than on most other innovative attempts. For instance, as a newest tool provided by the digital technologies, the digital color is making cinematographers and directors into keen painters that are eager to explicate their individual doctrines about color. Moreover, the digital still cameras provide the power to camera operator to capture ima ges and then instantly view them similar to Polaroid cameras. But the most significant role is of the digital technology is in the make-up and wardrobe departments, which are able to make various images through different angles to ascertain which will be the most suitable, and this particular ease was not provided by the Polaroid cameras. While digital cameras are maybe competing with their celluloid equivalents, digital non-linear editing extended an entirely new construct to the manner images could be edited together, similar to a great extent in the way text in a document can be cut and pasted within the word processors available. It can be accounted for the post-production department to embrace digital technologies in computerized non-linear form of editing (Elsaesser, 1998). In the documentary filmmaking world, capturing truth has always been a complex task. According to tradition, appreciated in non-fiction erudition for its unbiased and impersonal capacity to reflect the pro- filmic without any fictitious ruse, the documentary film has been experiencing substantial formal alterations since its early primitive days of omniscient narration and observation, by and by deserting its efforts to stress objectivity in a picture. With the modernistic form of the self-referent essayistic cast to its recent performing construction, the documentary has been incessantly revitalizing concern in the rhetorical images of fiction and subjectivity, thinking about arguments on the basis of incompleteness and uncertainties instead of prioritizing discorporate facts and knowledge (Nichols, 2001). Often perceived as complex evidential assertions regarding the theatrical of the world, digital technology has been playing a substantial role recently in developing new aesthetic bases for establishing a